Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Louise Clark memorial service

Louise Clark’s daughter’s 8/24/2011 request for an open, inclusive, and peaceful Louise Clark memorial service.
(a) Hold it at my parents’ neighborhood pool, or another large public place, so everyone who wants to attend may do so, including all of her children & grandchildren. If Mom’s memorial is at her house, as scheduled, some of her children & grandchildren will be excluded by her agents, & some of her friends will be excluded 4 lack of space.
(b) Have an open mike. Louise Clark was a champion of free speech & civil liberties.
(c) Anyone who participates in a Louise Clark memorial service at her house, or which otherwise excludes any of her descendants, would be: inappropriately condoning exclusion of Louise’s descendants, supporting war among Clarks, & undercutting the peace that Louise’s admirers profess to support.
(d) Please lobby for this request at the RSVP address - - and otherwise.
Thanks. Diddo Clark, (925) 283-2803.